
Showing posts with the label truth-is-like-poetry-👍or👎

every day you play

❝ Every day you play with the light of the universe. Subtle visitor, you arrive in the flower and the water, You are more than this white head that I hold tightly as a bunch of flowers, every day, between my hands. You are like nobody, since I love you. Let me spread you out among yellow garlands. Who writes your name in letters of smoke among the stars of the south? Oh, let me remember you as you were before you existed. Suddenly the wind howls and bangs at my shut window. The sky is a net crammed with shadowy fish. Here all the winds let go sooner or later, all of them. The rain takes off her clothes. The birds go by, fleeing. The wind.  The wind. I alone can contend against the power of men. The storm whirls dark leaves and turns loose all the boats that were moored last night to the sky. You are here.  Oh, you do not run away. You will answer me to the last cry. Curl around me as though you were frightened. Even so, a strange shadow once r

In my sky, at twilight

❝ In my sky, at twilight, you are like a cloud and your form and color are the way I love them. You are mine, mine woman with sweet lips and in your life, my infinite dreams live.       The lamp of my soul dies in your feet, the sour wine is sweeter on your lips, oh, reaper of my evening song, how solitary dreams believe you to be mine!       You are mine, mine, I go shouting it to the afternoon's wind and the wind hauls on my widowed voice. Huntress of the depth of my eyes, your plunder stills your nocturnal regard as though it were water.       You are taken in the net of my music, my love, and my nets of music are wide as the sky. My soul is born on the shore of your eyes of mourning. In your eyes of mourning, the land of dreams begins.❞

my tactic is

❝ My tactic is looking at you, learning how you are, loving you as you are.       My tactic is talking to you and listening to you to build with words an indestructible bridge.       My tactic is remaining in your memories, I don't know, how, nor with which pretext, but remaining with you.       My tactic is being frank, and knowing that you are frank, and not selling each other, simulations; So that between us there is no curtain nor abyss.       My strategy is, however, deeper and easier.       My strategy is that one of these days, I don't know, how, nor with which pretext, you, finally need me.❞ 

the steps

❝ your steps, children of my silence, ho-lily, slowly placed, towards the bed of my vigilance, proceed dumb and frozen,     nobody pure, divine shade,     that they are soft your steps selected     gods… all the gifts which I guess come to me on these naked feet, if of your advanced lips, you prepare to alleviate it an inhabitant of my thoughts, the food of a kiss...     does not hasten this tender act,      to be soft and not to be not,     because I lived to await you,      and my heart was only your steps...❞

nous deux

❝ On va s'en faire des matins, Les croissants dans les draps, Juste toi et moi, Tu verras, ce sera divin. On va s'en faire des câlins, Allongés sous les draps, Rien que toi et moi, Tu verras, ce sera divin Nous deux, Nous deux. On attendra tous les jours Que le soir vienne et qu'on se retrouve, Impatients comme au premier jour, Notre amour est sûrement plus fort que tout. Ou, si tu préfères l'espace, On peut s'enfuir sans laisser de traces, En ignorant les lendemains. Tu verras, on sera si bien Nous deux, Nous deux. Elle retourne la question, Elle a le regard fixe, une obsession, Mais, oui, il a raison ! Et, tant pis si tout se casse, Tant pis si un jour nos deux cœurs se lassent. L'amour passé, jamais ne s'efface, Notre histoire d'amour gardera sa place Tout au long de nos vies, Et, tu verras, on pourra se dire, Ce sont des bons souvenirs, C'était un moment intense de vie Nous deux, Nous de

my heart is in your hand

❝ Do you gather flowers for me moving softly through the trees with the scent against your arms? Long ago I knew your charms as I walk through the purple hills  of soon-forgotten, know  my heart was in your hand, all my heart is in your hand. Do your lips still call my name? Would your mouth still taste the same? There I learned the sweetest words, — Ooh, what the price of mercy, yeah! Though I steal all across the years the memory lingers on with my heart in your hand, all my heart is in your hand. Should I fall beside the road everlasting wandering soul and the memory sublime? All my, my heart was there, yeah! As I walk through the purple hills of long ago I know my heart was in your hand, my heart is in your hand. Ooh, all my heart, all my heart... ❞

la rencontre

“on dit que la passion ça n'arrive qu'une fois...”

kiss me

Kiss my heavy eyes of so much cried, for just your kiss, it could be capable enough to quench my gripped eyes by evil fire and get 'em filled, with love and shine. Kiss my mouth, — my lips are clutched and they forgot the  smile and word's  sweetness; with the serenity, they're gonna smile again and fall in love with you, exactly like at first. Kiss my brow as any miserable thought and any kind of doubts to die, — bonus to be for all my dreams, a revitalization out of the spring, — for a new life... translation‧‧‧ ©ᵏᴼᵏᴼ ↭ un p'tit je ne sais quoi ‧ chic… à ma façon


the most elegant goddess with her distinctively voice tempt you sophisticatedly in the jazz empire revealed through a mannerly context of the L‧O‧V‧E story rhythm brilliantly exposed for you ❝ I have thought about these songs for a long time. Being in the company of some of my greatest friends in music allowed me to tell these stories just as I'd intended. Sometimes you just have to Turn Up The Quiet to be heard a little better. ❞

In the wave-strike over unquiet stones

❝ In the wave-strike over unquiet stones the brightness bursts and bears the rose and the ring of water contracts to a cluster to one drop of azure brine that falls. O magnolia radiance breaking in spume, magnetic voyager whose death flowers and returns, eternal a being and nothingness: shattered brine, a dazzling leap of the ocean. Merged, you and I, my love, seal the silence while the sea destroys its continual forms, collapses its turrets of wildness and whiteness, because in the weft of those unseen garments of headlong water, and perpetual sand, we bear the sole, relentless tenderness. ❞

The First Evening [Première Soirée]

The clothes were almost off… of her; Outside, — a tree… too indiscreet spies masterfully with any of its leaves to see her closer, closer… [it got gaped]. Perched, on my enormous easy chair, half nude, she clasped her hands. Her feet were trembling on the floor with that finesse, [a finesse as she is…]. I watched, — a waxed light's ray trapped into a tiny branch outside the window how's butterflying above her mouth, and up, over her breast, so pride and ripened. I kissed her delicately ankles. She held a sweetly brutal laugh which scattered into virgin trills  —  a jolly laugh so crystalline… Her feet hid under her chemise revolted said, — 'please stop it!…' But I laughed at her cries —  I knew she really liked it. Her eye trembled beneath my lips, but they've closed at my touch. Her head went back; she cried: 'Oh, really! That's too much! 'My dear, I'm warning you…' I stopped her protest with a kiss and she laughed, low —  a l

in you the earth

❝ Little rose, rose little one, at times, tiny and naked, it seems as though you would fit in one of my hands, as though I’ll clasp you like this and carry you to my mouth, but suddenly my feet touch your feet and my mouth your lips: you have grown, your shoulders rise like two hills, your breasts wander over my breast, my arm scarcely manages to encircle the thin a new-moon line of your waist: in love, you have loosened yourself like the seawater: I can scarcely measure the sky’s most spacious eyes and I lean down to your mouth to kiss the earth..... ❞    


«It's part of a sci-fantasy-transmedia fairy tale called, The Everything Nothing. It's about creation, fractured identity, and transcending physical form. Its orchestral tapestry of sound and melody will be worming the way down of your ear canal to the base of your spine through a mesmerizing short video where two soulmates are reunited in a multidimensional plane of existence». It's  Starman 

may i feel said he

“ may i feel, said he (i'll squeal, said she just once, said he) it's fun, said she (may i touch, said he how much, said she a lot, said he) why not, said she (let's go, said he not too far, said she what's too far, said he where you are, said she) may i stay, said he (which way, said she like this, said he if you kiss, said she may i move, said he is it love, said she) if you're willing, said he (but you're killing, said she now, said he) oww, said she (tiptop, said he don't stop, said she oh no, said he) go slow, said she (come...?, said he ummm, said she) you're divine, said he (you're Mine, said she) ”

and because love battles

Dear to Me ❝ [...] I expected you, and Like this, I need you, Like this, I love you, and to those who want to hear tomorrow that which I will not tell them, let them read it here, and let them back off today because it is early for these arguments. Tomorrow we will only give them a leaf of the tree of our love, a leaf which will fall on the earth like if it had been made by our lips like a kiss that falls from our invincible heights to show the fire and the tenderness of true love.  ❞

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

❝ i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go, you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) ———————————————————— i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you ———————————————————— here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky, of a tree called life; which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart ———————————————————— i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)... ❞  

the salt

❝ [ the salt moans... — that crystal of the sea sprinkles a vital light out of the foam... that... dust of the sea, in you the tongue receives a kiss from the ocean of the night: taste imparts to every seasoned dish your ocean essence; the smallest, miniature wave from the salt-cellar reveals to us more than domestic whiteness; in it, we taste infinitude.... ❞ [fragment]

the Queen [I don't love you...] [here]

❝ I've named you the Queen . There are taller than you, taller. There are purer than you, purer. There are lovelier than you, lovelier, — but you are the Queen. When you go through the streets, no one recognizes you. No one sees your crystal crown, no one looks at the carpet of red gold that you tread as you pass, the nonexistent carpet. And when you appear, all the rivers, sounds in my body, bells shake the sky, and a hymn fills the world. Only you and I. Only you and I, my love. Listen to it... ❞ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❝ I don't love you as if you were salt-rose or topaz, or the arrow of carnations that fire shoots off. I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, — in secret, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that never blooms, but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers; thanks to your love, a certain solid fragrance, risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body. I love you without knowing how,

take bread away from me

❝  Take bread away from me, if you wish, take air away, but do not take from me your laughter. Do not take away the rose, the flower lance that you pluck, the water that suddenly bursts forth in joy, the sudden wave of silver born in you. My struggle is harsh, and I could come back with eyes tired at times, from having seen the unchanging earth. But when your laughter enters, seeking me, i rise to the sky for it opens for me all the doors of life. My love, in the darkest hour your laughter, it opens. But if suddenly you see my blood staining the stones of the street, — laugh, because your laughter will be for my hands like a fresh sword. Next to the sea, in the autumn, your laughter must raise its foamy cascade,  while in the spring, — love. I want your laughter like the flower, I was waiting for, the blue flower, the rose of my echoing country. Laugh at the night, at the day, at the moon, laugh at the twisted streets of the island, laugh at this clumsy boy who loves you. But when I

because of your love

❝ because of your love i lost my sobriety; i am intoxicated by the madness of love; in this fog have become a stranger to me; i'm so drunk, i've lost the way to my house; in the garden, i see only your face from trees and blossoms; i inhale only your fragrance drunk with the ecstasy of love; i can no longer tell the difference between drunker and drink between lover and beloved... ❞