
Showing posts with the label Gov-t-Mule-𝄞


when morning got woken, — i was sleeping ✳ when i've got wakened, —  i was dreaming still ✳ dreamily, — i'm loved by you... (hypnotic) ✳ we're savored in our cosmic lechery's rustles ✳ we make it rain in unison the joy, we correct nothing, (we're in) quand le matin s'est réveillé, — je dormais ✳ quand je me serai réveillé, — je rêvais encore ✳ rêveusement, — je suis aimé de toi... (hypnotique) ✳ nous sommes savourés dans les bruissements de notre dépravation cosmique ✳ nous faisons pleuvoir à l'unisson la joie, on ne corrige rien... on est... (amoureux)

your wildest dreams

at a time's hour, in a day, when you kissed me, you placed on my lips your mellifluous fantasy, forever, when I think of you, some of their witticisms to color me with passion of your wildest dreams