
Showing posts with the label Mihail-𝄞


I am the title of the poetry the argument of the essay I'm glazed in a prose style with one's poetic essence I start when the page ends to navigate into your mind I'm like the morning coffee and blood-red wine at night I am the symbiote of loves and as time goes I'm newer I am recited and compared in any trope that's fathomed I am a timelessly kind one living an infinite of feelings I do the best in all I do about offsetting art into a flawless •••• it verbalized Moon to the Sun in a Bohemian dialect marveling themselves why you still don't know my name

just wondering so, of antithesis...

everything it's in the speed, — delirium as far as the sky, —  we are in antithesis, the subjects of a dirty simple game —————————————————— my shy eyes descend desirously... but I breathe you in this urban decor —————————————————— she's killing me, she's killing me, slowly... she wants my heart, she wants my heart, from my chest; —————————————————— she's so gracefully among of bored crowd on the road and seems a hidden dance, where two strangers submissively dance —————————————————— my shy eyes descend desirously... but I breathe you in this urban decor —————————————————— she's killing me, she's killing me, slowly, — she wants my heart, she wants my heart from my chest; she's killing me, she's killing me, slowly, — she rips my heart, she rips my heart from my chest; —————————————————— burning on the asphalt and pulse the fire, it burns, burns shockingly burns too beautifully, the heart it burns, it burns, I confess... —————————————————— she's killing