
Showing posts with the label chic-à-ma-façon-📃🖊

thinking of you ☹ (humor)

tip-top… I woke up Monday and Tuesday I thought to go Wednesday to work, but when Thursday I saw comes Friday, I said to myself, what a hell to look for work on Saturday when Sunday is my day off... I mumbled… thinking of you…

rain in March

It was raining infernally... and us... we're doing love at some mansards. Through the windows of the sky, oval-shaped, the clouds had been flowing in the March's. The walls of the room were agitating behind some sketches in chalk. And our souls were dancing into an unseen, out of a concrete world. "The rain will pour on your wings", you said, "And will rain with lump's ornaments on the whole globe, and through the weather". "Doesn't matter", I was telling you, "Lorelei, it rains only on my flight, with the feather...that's all. Then I rose up higher and higher without knowing in which part of the world I left my room. You've been calling me out from behind: "Answer me, answer me... what's more beautiful...? The people...? The rain...?" It was raining infernally, a total madness of rain... and us, we were doing love, at some mansards. I'd have never wanted it to experience the end... never...

insatiable ‣‣‣ like usually

the morning coffee is the flavor of love ‣‣‣ sentiments are whispers inked in happiness ‣‣‣ a beam of the sun is the ingenious smile ‣‣‣ the «guilty» one is «guilty» as I am ‣‣‣ we're both exorcized with insatiable kisses ‣‣‣ kisses & hugs, like usually, dreamt and stolen ‣‣‣ there's no modesty but a trenchant manner ‣‣‣ mannerly toyed in our desires tendency ‣‣‣ each sipped savor is translated in thrill's jargon ‣‣‣ the morning coffee has always, the flavor of love Apply your makeup cautiously, my love, — don't hide your gorgeous eyes. It's time for you to fly, and to ignore me‧‧‧ ‣‣‣like usually... [x2] Put on you something explosively, my love, but don't hide your superb soul. I want to see how you fly and how you ignore me‧‧‧ ‣‣‣like usually [x2] And I will let you run but I'll not hide you anymore... Dance crazily, my love... don't hide your beautiful shapes. I want to see how you fly and how you ignore everyone... [everyone...] And easie

joking ☹ (humor)

On the first day of school, the teacher asked a student:  — What are your parent's names? The student replied: ~ My father's name is Laughing and my mother's name is Smiling . Confused, the teacher asked back: - Are you kidding?  The student replied: ~ No! Kidding is my brother. I am Joking .

ketamine ☹ (humor)

A guy tells a story: — “…after a romantic evening, I led her home, but before crossing the threshold, she turned to me and kissed me, then, she whispered to me, provocatively”, — “What about staying here overnight?”...  Hmm... I look at her and I answered, — “nooope…” (between us), — what the hell am I supposed to do all night long, (alone), in front of a door?

early in the morning

start each day and live it in such a way that when you get out of bed, early in the morning, to make the devil say: aw shit, s/he's up

i dream too much

❝ i dream, i dream too much,  but if i dream too much,  i only dream to touch your heart,  to touch your heart again;  i close my eyes and see your hand,  your smile, your joy in loving me;  we dance, we dance and sing,  we steal a touch of spring;  i dream of everything, everything,  everything we to have known;  and yet, my dreams, yet my dreams,  my dreams had shown me that perhaps  i dream, perhaps i dream,  perhaps i dream too much alone...  too much alone ❞

lover dose

put the love everywhere, on the food, everywhere, on the alcohol, — nourish and take care of yourself; put the love everywhere, on the smiles, everywhere, on the colors, everywhere, on the sounds, — surround yourself with all of these in your whole being; put the love everywhere, on any approach, everywhere, on the whispers, everywhere, on the caresses; put the love everywhere, on the physical elements, using the recommended dose; put the love everywhere, on the demons, (yours and those of others) — but apply the instructions; put the love everywhere, throughout the times, everywhere, throughout every second, everywhere, throughout every minute, hour, day, week, month, and year; put the love everywhere and above all... — but do not add an extra drop; could awaken fear… — that one, identified under the name — the silent one... ··································································

if I'm not asking too much…

— ...Suppose that to give a few lectures, daily you had to commute between Heaven and Hell, what would you take with you? — A book, a bottle of wine, and a woman, Lord, if I'm not asking too much. — Too much. We’ll cut out the woman. She would involve you in conversations putting ideas into your head, and your preparation would suffer. — I beseech you, cut out the book, I'm gonna write it myself, Lord, if I only have the bottle of wine and the woman. That’s my wish and my need. Is it too much? — You’re asking too much... Supposing that daily, to give a few lectures, you had to commute between Heaven and Hell, what would you take with you? — A bottle of wine and a woman, if I'm not asking too much. — That’s what you wanted before, don’t be insistent, it’s too much, as you know... We’ll cut out the woman. — What do you have against her? Why do you persecute her? Cut out the bottle rather! Wine weakens me, almost leaves

bonjour ☹ (humor)

1ᵉʳ jour, au début d’une nouvelle année scolaire en France,  un enseignant fait la présence dans une salle de classe : — Mustafa Al Ekhzari ? — Présent ! — Kadar Sel Ohlmi ? — Présent ! — Mohammed Endahrha ? — Présent ! — Chanhira Amarttayaku ? — Présent ! — Al Ain Ben Oit ? réduire au silence… — Al Ain Ben Oit ! pas de réponse… — Encore une fois, Al Ain Ben Oit ! un enfant gêné répond timidement : — Madame, je pense que c’est à propos de moi, mais ça se prononce correctement, Alain Benoit

Bishop Of White

Now, I'm more than ever desolated since I feel richer by own you, and on my forehead sit the sun and moon, Now, it is, to me, worst and best too. And there's no one who might help us, the people barely keep up with their own, and on a white wall with the silent muses, Black Bishops seek to do a moonlight flit. [and I love you with pity and with horror thinking that all you got deserves to me as a Bishop Of White, which captures the Black Queen for eternity.] x2 In stations happen madcap accidents sad freights come in midsummer, and me, I am full of reckless gestures to get you closer and to terrify you. All around, just aberrant perspectives, fragile kids lug their parents on the back, old men's gray bones sledding on slopes and Albatrosses fly to atrophied horizons. [and I love you with pity and with horror thinking that all you got deserves to me as a Bishop Of White, which captures the Black Queen for eternity.] x2 I miss you and I'm looking for your face in e