daughter of the stars

in an old castle... (i live), —
my room is lit with fairy tales;

look closely and you'll gonna see it
in the side of twilight wing


since i prefer not show myself,
people keep thinking i'm a witch;

no one has any faith in me,
yet, i persist on fulfilling their dreams


i am the daughter of the stars,
i shine on every sky of everybody's souls;

i speak in dialect of hopes,
my voice is painted in velvety accent of love


i wear most shiny vestments, sophisticated
powdered... in warm and sweeten tints;

saw by some, some counterfeited 'em
to use 'em as costume of Halloween


in an old castle, (not where i live), but where
people aim for the heart of one i'm not

un p'tit je ne sais quoi 🕮🎕 bohème


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