
Showing posts with the label KOKO-𝄞


I feel as if my eyes have kneeled down all your demons, while my lips metamorphosed them into divine effigies ruling and making your soul be a servant of my wishes for I've let your mouth nourish with my cute Darkside for all monsters, those zombies that wear beauty's mask to suffer fully, terrified by the boom-boom of your pulse. I feel as if my eyes have kneeled down all your demons. Now, your royal creature comforts me from all directions with your soul, — a fireplace with hotly and spicy sound of the sandalwood and cèdre through books' rustle, while their foliage, the lifeblood of a tasty lachrymose wine is revived in coffee beans, for nobody to feel silly with it.

so nice to meet you

each word of my eyes, he sips them smoothly with the mouth of his soul then stirs them with a tasty memory well guarded with smiles of his lungs while tenderness rains with love's elixir and everything that our bodies mean fulfilling lust with so nice to meet you, and stamping it with a demented kiss


through a unidirectional portal, couched on the cardinal climax of the musical notes, ♫, intense kissed on the whispers' bridge, your delights follow my delights the atmosphere's so passionate; it looks like a clef on a staff 🎼 extrapolating thru a cloud's fluff, tinier than Atlantic's dimensions but a bit bigger than shored lisps

so fine

some thought crawls its foot, slowly and rhythmically causeless, I look up and down, even if i feel it inside me robotized, my thought's voice asks, — who's there, talk instantly, i am filled with music adapted by you… so fine