
Showing posts with the label Striking-Matches-𝄞

by your side

you placed in my heart a climate wrought with intensive cadences which are erupting like a volcano from the engines of my fantasies and the routines of daily pleasures offered by words tangled in times, in the swirl of any existing emotion breathed by the soul's atmosphere just to may I think of you as you are, the petite unseen monster of longing possessed...[pour le reste de ma vie] in the volcano swing, that's foaming in my veins with an absolu' passion inquiring, who's by your side... still


honestly, I think I lionized you on a pedestal too high; loving it, you did it too to yourself, without any shield of security, otherwise, how am I supposed to explain the cause of yours getting in free-fall and putting me in the position of wondering if it is wrong to stretch my hand to help you, or if it's seriously bad to want to.


for you, I'm not identical with who I am for everyone but just the one to which I've transferred all my ego; this version of myself is much more tender, deeper, better and loving,  fragile and much vulnerable; please take care of it, — satisfy this version of me if it's your desire too, and not exclusively mine…