
Showing posts with the label Lonely-Kamel-𝄞

i'm your god

a hairy hand gripped my shoulder and caressed by longing's sun, on the melodic line of a kaleidoscopic thought, prognosticating so the debauchery comportment of my insomnia, while it whispered to me tenderly, — (i'm your god…), (i give it to you whatever you could wish for…) (do it… try me…) … [well, seems I must have the eyes wide open while i'm thinking of you]

hot thoughts

morning desires to yip all day, to comfort you as if I kiss you yet, changes are in intonation making any sound dissipate if there's any confusion, eject it, feel just my murmurs of love sip a coffee on your dreamy road tinted by a bitten windy wave in a spiced perfume of peony, joy, coriander, citrus, feel me, wear it in your hot thoughts, let it be me; love you in the divine frequency damn, you're hot, — sugar baby…