
Showing posts with the label U2-𝄞


I let my mind be caught and decorated in a story portrayed in the colored sound of your fairyland well expressed in the language of lavender flowers trained to whisper tenderly and to wear my name in the fragranced echo of your velvety thoughts, you,   magnificent deity, the magician of my love who let self abandoned in my sweet drunkenness


if your mind and intuitions are provoked, if the blood trembles through your veins, if stormy passions get you back to life, if your principles are sliced while you are an addicted without even knowing why, if so-so perturbed, you want to cast away to not see any more ghosts but only to fly without wings, convinced you'll be caught by some invisible arms in your free-falling, if a new sentiment appears as if the one you were once is resurrected in someone you'd want to be, to feel beyond palpable, it's because you met with a charming one, one able to switch you, – music's mystery